
How to use the MySQL binary log to stream queries to another server

If you want to use the MySQL binary log to stream queries to another MySQL instance, you can use the mysqlbinlog utility...

Running a Percona XtraDB Cluster on RHEL 7

To operate a PXC cluster under RHEL / CentOS 6, you pass the appropriate argument to a service script:service mysql start to start this cluster's node service mysql bootstrap-pxc to start this node as the first node of the cluster …

Troubleshooting a ClusterControl MySQL PXC cluster, part 2

In a previous blog post I wrote about the steps to take to troubleshoot and restore in its working state a Percona database cluster.  This blog article adds some more information. Finding the most advanced nodeYou bootstrap…

Monitoring MySQL replication with Munin

Munin is a powerful system monitoring tool.  What makes it so versatile is that you can write your own plugins to monitor any parameter you want.In this post I'll show how you can monitor the status of a MySQL replication. We'll be monitoring…

Interpreting Munin graphs

Munin is a great resource monitoring tool that is simple to install and configure.  It shows data in form of graphs, which once you've learned to interpret often allow you to pinpoint an issue in one instant.Among other things, we use Munin…

Password change in ClusterControl

It is a good idea to periodically change passwords on your system, especially if you've the feeling that they have been shared too much around.Here we'll see the correct way to change the MySQL password for the cmon or root user in a database…

Troubleshooting a ClusterControl MySQL PXC cluster

We've been testing ClusterControl with three Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes on a virtualized environment and found it to be pretty resilient to faults.  Even after performing a brutal shutdown of all VMs (which is equivalent to pulling the plug…

Upgrading Percona XtraDB Cluster from 5.5 to 5.6

This blog post will explain how to update a Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.5 to the latest version, 5.6.  We'll assume a cluster of three nodes, managed via ClusterControl.We'll be doing the upgrade by allowing for some downtime, bringing down…

Updating ClusterControl

Severalnines ClusterControl is an application that allows you to deploy, manage, monitor, and scale several types of database clusters (MySQL, Percona XtraDB, MariaDB, MongoDB).Installation can't possibly be easier -- all you have to do…