If you haven’t found yourself in this situation while working as a Linux sysadmin, you will — one day or the other.
You need to install a package (let’s call it Foobar) on a RHEL server which, for some reason, has no connection to the network. The package requires a complex list of dependencies, so it’s not simply a matter of grabbing the RPM and uploading it on the server. How do you proceed?
1. Set up a stub machine
First, create a Virtual Machine and do a fresh install of the same RHEL version on it. Make sure you perform a minimal installation so that the packages installed on the machine are kept to the minimum required for the machine to run.
Then run the following commands on the machine:
[vm]# yum --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/tmppkg install foobar
Yum will download Foobar and all its dependencies recursively, storing the RPMs in the directory mentioned above.
2. Create a local repository
The second step is to create a repository from the bunch of packages downloaded by Yum.
[vm]# createrepo /root/tmppkg
[vm]# chmod -R 755 /root/tmppkg
3. Set up the local repository on the server
Transfer the tmppkg directory on the server (via USB thumb drive or CD-ROM) and put it in the /share directory. Then create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo as such:
[local] name=Local repository baseurl=file:///share/tmppkg enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 protect=1
Now you can install the Foobar package on the server in the usual way. The package manager will fetch all the necessary content from the newly created local repository:
Once you’ve installed the package, the /share/tmppkg directory can be safely deleted.
You might ask yourself why you couldn’t simply make a copy of the whole repo from RHN and transfer it to the server, hence skipping steps #1 and #2 altogether. The answer is that the whole repository makes several Gb in size, and therefore this solution would require a long transfer time and a large amount of free disk space on the server.
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