
SELinux – How to confine a Tomcat application on RHEL6 / CentOS6 – part 2

Part 1 is here.Another method of confining Tomcat is to create a completely new domain in which your application, as well as Tomcat and Java, will be running.Let's create a new domain by inheriting it from the tomcat_t domain. In the…

SELinux – How to confine a Tomcat application on RHEL6 / CentOS6 – part 1

This article will explain how to use SELinux to confine a Tomcat application on RHEL6 / CentOS6.By default, Tomcat runs as tomcat_t, which is an unconfined type. This is difficult to find out, because the documentation is scarce on the different…

Monitoring MySQL replication with Munin

Munin is a powerful system monitoring tool.  What makes it so versatile is that you can write your own plugins to monitor any parameter you want.In this post I'll show how you can monitor the status of a MySQL replication. We'll be monitoring…

Find the last modified file recursively

Let's say you're in /var/log and you want to find the last modified file. You'd type ls -lrt but this is not sufficient to find out which logfile was modified last, because that logifle might be hidden somewhere in a subdirectory. How do you…